blood-patches    11-25-2024    41F/ 43.3M    (c) RTCM Corvin

Blood Patches

Note: If you have the European version of Blood, do not download any patches. The US patches will not work with the UK 1.02 version of Blood.
Please note; That the Retail Shareware CD is version 0.99B. The full Registered Retail CD is version 1.0.

Registered CD | Registered CD 3DFX | Registered Shareware CD
Shareware Internet | Cryptic Passage | Original


Filename and author Size (kb) Description
Monolith Productions
617 Registered v1.10 -> v1.11 patch

This patch also updates the mapedit and artedit tools.



Monolith Productions
2.66M Registered v1.00 -> v1.11 patch

This should make any registered CDs of the full game to
Blood Version 1.11  If not use individual patches.

This patch also updates the mapedit and artedit tools.



Monolith Productions
2.61M Registered v1.00 -> v1.10 patch



Monolith Productions
1.63M Registered v1.02 -> v1.10 patch

This patch also updates the mapedit and artedit tools.



Monolith Productions
2.24M Registered v1.00 -> v1.02 patch



Monolith Productions
1.93M Registered v1.00 -> v1.01 patch



Monolith Productions
700 Registered v1.01 -> v1.02 patch

This patch also updates the mapedit and artedit tools.
[Note: there is a T0002.exe patch that also updates the tools for use with version 1.02 of Blood]



Monolith Productions
642 Plasma Pack v1.10 -> v1.11 patch

This should make any registered CDs with this pack installed to
Blood Plasma Version 1.11  If not use individual patches.

This patch also updates the mapedit and artedit tools.

The Plasma Pack CD was released as an early 1.11 version of the game, and not the 1.10 version like we thought. [It still indicates v1.11].

The 1.11 version included on the CD is not the final revision of 1.11. You can tell if you have the early version of 1.11 by looking at the date when you start the game.

If the date says, August 19th, 1997, then you have the old version of 1.11. Then download this pCD11.exe patch to bring Blood Plasma to the most recent version available.

If the date says September 23rd, 1997, then you have the correct 1.11 version of Blood.



Monolith Productions / GT
701 Blood Plasma Pak 1.10 to 1.11

This is a GT Interactive patch. [Possibly a re-branded Monolith patch] that Upgrades full version Plasma Pak CD 1.1 to 1.11.



Monolith Productions
134 Special Edition v1.0 patch

The Special Edition patch will edit your Blood executable to add the parental lock option back in, letting you decide how much blood and gore you'll see.

The Special Edition of Blood! is essentially the same as Blood full version 1.0, except that the "Parental Lock" option has been removed. This leaves the game in a mode that is considerably less Bloody than usual. In order for you to upgrade to version 1.02, you must first upgrade to the full version of the game.

To update Blood! Special Edition to Blood Full Version:

Download the patch file (SPECIAL1.exe).

  • From the folder or directory where you saved the patch file, double click on or type in SPECIAL1 [ENTER].
  • Enter the name of the directory where you installed Blood. (Usually C:\BLOOD) and hit [ENTER]. The patching process will take several minutes.
  • Start BLOOD normally.

Once the game starts up, select "OPTIONS" from the main Blood menu. At the very bottom of the list you will see the parental lock option. Highlight this option and hit [ENTER]. You can now toggle between "ON" and "OFF" using the [ENTER] key.

If you have Blood Special Edition (censored) v1.0 CD then it is a slightly modified version of the original game. Elements that may be considered "sensitive" have been removed, resulting in a game environment that may be more suitable for younger players. If you wish to restore the game to its original state, you may apply this patch to put all the Blood back in your game. Important Note - Once you have updated your Bloodless (censored) version of Blood to be the full blood filled version, also download r0011.exe the Blood Registered 1.11 patch above to stay current.



* Attention *
3DFX.EXE was released in it's alpha stage. It does not support voxels (it will use sprites instead), it evokes visual glitches (skybox's won't be seamless and status bar is scaled wrong), and suffers from memory leaks. Voodoo RUSH and Voodoo 2 are not supported!

* Important * Windows 95/98 Users.
If you receive an error message that says, "fatal error: unable to load Glide DLL", right-click on the 3DFX.exe file and then choose properties. Click on the MEMORY tab at the top. At the bottom of the screen is a value called “MS-DOS Protected Mode”. In that field, type in "65535" and then click "OK". Now, just double-click on the 3DFX.exe file to start the game and play!


Monolith, 3Dfx Interactive, scripted by Arjan, Various, Corvin
525 OUWB v1.21 -> 1.20 3DFX patch

This patch will allow OUWB users to include 3DFX support. This will also run Cryptic Passage in 3DFX. See the RTCM Online document setup-dosboxemu-3dfx-blood.html for instructions on how to use it.

Note: You need the nGlide API Wrapper, you also need a DOSBox that supports Glide for 3DFX to work. See RTCM's general-tools-dosxp download section.



Monolith Productions, 3Dfx Interactive
4.91M Plasma Pack v1.11 -> v1.20 3DFX patch

This patch will update your version of Blood Plasma Pak to include 3DFX support.

Note: You need an old Voodoo 3D graphics card or a Glide Emulator for 3DFX to work.

This patch also updates the mapedit and artedit tools.



Monolith Productions, 3Dfx Interactive
1.28M Registered (non-plasma) v1.11 -> v1.20 3DFX patch

This patch will update your version of Blood Registered to include 3DFX support.

Note: You need an old Voodoo 3D graphics card or a Glide Emulator for 3DFX to work.

This patch also updates the mapedit and artedit tools.



Monolith Productions, 3Dfx Interactive
3.41M Registered v1.0 -> v1.20 3DFX patch

This patch will update your version of Blood Registered to include 3DFX support.

Note: You need an old Voodoo 3D graphics card or a Glide Emulator for 3DFX to work.

This patch also updates the mapedit and artedit tools.



Blood in 3dfx
1.98 The batch file I created must be used to start up blood in 3dfx. You MUST already have the 3dfx patch installed. Not intended for OUWB.

The batch file will work with voodoografics and with voodoo2 boards.
There still is a bug with the voodoo2 board, you may get an error
which says that it ran out of texture memory for the current textures...



Monolith Productions
2.87M Retail Shareware (CD) v0.99b -> v1.11 patch

This should make any Retail Shareware on CD to Retail Shareware CD Blood Version 1.11  If not use individual patch's below.



Monolith Productions
2.48M Retail Shareware (CD) v0.99c -> v1.00 patch



Monolith Productions
2.59M Retail Shareware (CD) v0.99b -> v1.00 patch



Monolith Productions
259 Retail Shareware (CD) v1.10 -> v1.11 patch



Monolith Productions
615 Retail Shareware (CD) v1.02 -> v1.10 patch



Monolith Productions
471 Retail Shareware (CD) v1.01 -> v1.02 patch



Monolith Productions
393 Retail Shareware (CD) v1.00 -> v1.01 patch



Monolith Productions
2.75M Retail Shareware (CD) v0.99b -> v1.02 patch



Monolith Productions
2.62M Retail Shareware (CD) v0.99b -> v1.01 patch



Monolith Productions
470 ?Retail Shareware (CD) v0.99b -> v0.99c patch?



Monolith Productions
294 Shareware (Internet) v1.10 -> v1.11 patch



Monolith Productions
615 Shareware (Internet) v1.02 -> v1.10 patch



Monolith Productions
470 Shareware (Internet) v1.01 -> v1.02 patch



Monolith Productions
399 Shareware (Internet) v1.0 -> v1.01 patch



Monolith Productions
362 Shareware (Internet) v0.99 -> v0.99b patch



Monolith Productions
467 Shareware (Internet) v0.99b -> v0.99c patch



Monolith Productions
1.11M  Shareware (Internet) v0.99c -> v1.0 patch



Charlie Wiederhold /
Sunstorm Interactive
39.6 Install patch for Cryptic Passage

This program handles all fixes and corrections to the Cryptic Passage Installer and GAMER programs. It corrects the problem with installing and no Windows directory is found, having a version of Blood higher than 1.02, and the crashing bugs related to Pentium II and other fast processors.

Instructions on this upgrade: Install Blood, version 1.0. Install Cryptic Passage. Cryptic will want to upgrade Blood to version 1.02. Follow the direction to do that. Now, apply the Cryptic Passage patch, CPPATCH.ZIP. Then, apply the Blood r0210.exe patch. Finally, apply the Blood r1011.exe patch to bring Blood up to the current version of 1.11 non-Plasma.
Charlie Wiederhold /
Sunstorm Interactive
7.26 Multiplayer patch for Cryptic Passage

This file will allow you to play multiplayer games in the regular Cryptic Passage single player levels. (c source inc)
36.8 The original Cryptic Passage executables were incapable of passing arguments to Blood. These files replace the cryptic and cpmulti executables and allow Windows command line arguments. (also no runtime error)



OLD Cryptic Passage Runtime Fix
Compiled by ?
8.67 This patch is kinda unnecessary, but added here for completeness sake. Fixes your CP EXE files so they run on faster computers if you have gotten the runtime error. This is only for the older version installer and EXE CP files. See (listed above) for updated CP EXE files that make this fix unnecessary.

Copy the files from your CD and dump these files into the same folder and run the batch files.




133 This is a patch for playing team games on no flag maps or custom maps. There was a watermark that covered red team's score. Extract that to your blood directory and replace tiles0008 with that one.



Blood Sound Blaster Live! fix
17.2 This is a patch for Blood that prevents crashes of Sound Blaster Live! and PCI cards caused by an effect when you pick up/use a couple of the powerups. Echo crash, also disables reverb. Do not use this patch unless you know you need it.

What is does:
All it does is search Blood.exe for (Hex) "C1 E0 02 85 D2 75 6F", and replaces it with "C1 E0 02 85 D2 90 90". Run it again, and it will let you reverse this. It worked for me, and with a bit of luck it should work with any version of the executable.



Blood Echo Remover
Jarmo "Daedolon" Kylmäaho
24 This little program removes echo from Blood that causes Blood to crash with PCI sound cards. Also disables reverb. Do not use this patch unless you know you need it.



Blood Non-Plasma v1.11 INI File
Monolith Productions
2.64 An original  blood.ini  file for Blood v1.11 non-plasma



Blood OUWB v1.21 INI File
Monolith Productions
3.05 An original  blood.ini  file for Blood v1.21 OUW plasma